thomas rubino wrote:I agree with Nick, your pigs will certainly eat hay but only out of boredom.
I can't really agree with Thomas on the boredom issue based on our observations (and ultimate taste), it may not be a "preferred" fodder all the time, but we feed hay and lucerne to our pigs regularly but especially throughout winter and they do well on. I gave a guesstimate of how much hayage and grazing our pigs have in this other
post about fermented feed in the pig forum.
thomas rubino wrote:I don't believe they would gain weight very well either.
With the small numbers we raise, and what we (and the small number of people who buy our pigs) want, the hay and grazing that our pigs have certainly contributes well to their overall finish, leanness and quality of meat... although we have never bothered to raise/feed them in other more intensive ways to meet a target weight in a target time.
thomas rubino wrote:I put down straw as bedding and they in veritably, eventually eat it all.
Again, only from our observations and
experience, we see the pigs "eat" their bedding straw - but not consume/digest it... by that I mean that looking at their nest areas the compacted bedding straw seems to be consistently chewed down into chaff - short pieces of straw, and just compacted and compacted, and aerated by their natural desire to
root around in it and shape it into hollows, burrows, walls, pillows, etc. We do not routinely clean out our pigs sleeping
shelters just for the sake of it unless the bedpack gets too thick to manage, which is not often as our
chickens really do a number on the shelters in unoccupied paddocks.