I bought Pekin ducklings at the
cattle auction barn on saturday, and I haven't seen evidence of poo yesterday. or this morning. I did see
poop on sunday but maybe they were just crapping out the food that they ate on saturday at the sale barn.
I'm feeding them duck starter, and they are eating it. I can even get them to eat out of my hand. They are also going to the
water dish a lot.
I checked their butts and don't see any blockage.
I don't think they're cold stressed because they aren't shivering, they aren't quacking excessively. The temperature is usually around 70 degrees Ferenheit, with a range of 65-80. The humidity ranges from 40-65%. I have them indoors with a stand-fan moving the air around lightly, and an indoor/outdoor air exchange fan which I only turn on during the day when it's sunny.
Should I have the exchanger fan on all the time? I had it off when it's cold to save on heating costs.
I've got them enclosed in a makeshift pen, with
straw as their bedding. They seem to be running around and playing. I check on them 3-4 times a day.
For the last two days I've been playing them a classical music radio station on low volume, but only during most (not all) of the daylight hours.
Yesterday I started adding chopped up grass, thistle and dandelion leaves, a few slugs, pillbugs, these tiny dark black thin insects, and these reddish-brown centipede lookin things that crawl real fast (I don't know their name). They came running with enthusiasm and started nibbling on everything voraciously. I'm going to hold off on all of the stuff I just described because maybe I shocked their stomachs.
Any help would be appreciated.