Hello Again Friends,
With so many people stuck at home the Great Lakes
Permaculture Design Collaborative has deiced to make our
Introductory Permaculture Videos available online for free.
We've got 28 videos that we use in our
PDC's paired with questions for reflection.
Topics include: Patterns, The
Local Ecosystem,
Trees, Forests, Plants, and Cultivated Ecologies, Tropical, Arid, & Cool Climates, Broadscale Landscape Design,
Ecovillage and Neighborhood Design,
The Built Environment,
Energy &
Appropriate Technology,
Garden Design/Seed Saving/IPM, Waste & Bioremediation,
Climate & Biogeography, Home System, Soil,
Aquaculture, Design for Catastrophe,
Access to
Land (Settlement Patterns), Intro to
Permaculture, Design Methods, Goals, Mapping & Process, Systems Thinking & Pattern Language,
Ethics & Principles, Patterns & Pattern Application, Microclimates,
and Economic Systems.
We'd love for you to check them out and value any feedback!