So, I recently decided to move some of my 3-4 year old strawberry plants into my new
It was a great idea, as I’m sure you are thinking right now...
However, I have strawberry plants that have developed common leaf spot caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fragariae...
Furthermore, I remember this same issue when they were growing in my
yard. This fungus causes round purple spots to appear on the top of the strawberry leaves. They fruit fine; in fact, I already have a few sets of flower buds in the
greenhouse after only two weeks. When they were growing in my yard, the berries were large, sweet, and juicy. I expect the same results or better now that they are in the greenhouse.
The fungus does not seem to harm the fruit, in fact the only thing it seems to do is make me feel bad for the little buggers.
I did some research, and a university suggested a fungicide; which after searching for it
online I realized that a tiny bottle is around 300$ a pop. I would really rather have a more cost effective organic method to cure my poor berry plants of this affliction.
I know that many of you on this site are very knowledgeable, and I’d appreciate your opinions.
If any of you grow strawberries in a greenhouse I wanted to ask you if you are able to get constant flushed through the year with day neutral/ever bearing varieties... This is my goal, to have a constant flow of delicious large strawberries all year long.
If this is possible, or if you have achieved this goal already, please feel free to drop me some advice, or possibly some pictures of your operation.
Thanks in advance,
Your fellow strawberry conscious friend,
I’ll post some pictures of my plants soon.
Actually, I’ll head out there right now.