I closed on this property one year ago this week, it's hard to be patient. My first priority, since I have German Shepherds moving from 8 acres in the country to "the city" was to help them be good neighbors with a buffer zone around the backyard to prevent "fence wars" with neighbor dogs. This spring I got some free
wood chips and put down
cardboard and thick chips through the buffer zones, and put in a two
raised bed areas for veggie/herbs, one at either end. I do need some "lawn" and mow-able exercise space for the dogs, but I've been overseeding and judiciously weeding to support different clovers, plantain, purslane, and
dandelions (I don't have many of those, not
enough neighbors with seed to blow over) and I keep it mowed long. I started right away planting in the buffer zone too, things that will give privacy between the fences, a mix of edibles and some ornamentals/ wildlife cover too. So far: blueberries, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, hazelnuts, pawpaw, comfrey, sochan, roses, bayberry, blackberry, mulberry (potted), catmints and hosta, cherry, some
perennial and/or reseeding herbs, serviceberry, willow, and some holly and azalea. I have one rain barrel; finding additional ways to collect and store rain
water is a
project for the near future as well. I've got a small area set up to start propagating cuttings for trading. I also 'snuck' in a rabbit for the backyard to add ingredients to the
compost bins. So far no complaints from the neighbors, lol, hoping to have some produce to share this fall and keep them happy