IF the duckling is the same age/size as the ducklings with the wild duck on the
pond, yes, she will allow it to join, ducks can't count.
Watch closely, from afar, and see how this goes, you will know fairly quickly if she will allow this new one to join. To attempt this you will need to free the duckling (with the ability to recapture IF they get aggressive, be that a net, boat or swimming). Wait until the Mum and babies are as close as possible, and gently lob the baby in the direction of the wild ducklings, ideally so it lands within 30 feet, maximum - it will peep, they will peep, and everyone should join up.
Again, ONLY if they are the same age/size. I have done this dozens of times, luckily, it has never failed, BUT I also think I have usually found the Mum. When I rescue ducklings I Google Earth the nearest bodies of
water and scout them for a likely Mum, then do as described above. Good luck.