OK not the actual job of deadheading, but the results. I start with a plant that just looks sad. Maybe it's just me, but I always seem to focus on the dead stuff. I trim all the dead stuff off and suddenly I can focus on the beautiful flowers. It truly is an amazing transformation. Maybe it wouldn't be if I could keep up with it, but I have so many flowers it would be a full time job. I feel quite accomplished when I get one of my flower gardens weeded and deadheaded. I don't feel quite so guilty when I walk by one that is crying for my help.
This spring my son was upset when I put another veggie garden in, and I asked him why? He said he is afraid I'm over extending myself, creating to much work for myself. I tried to explain to him that with the 3 veggie gardens, fruit
trees, flower gardens and general maintenance of the
yard, well it is more then I can do by myself. So there will always be weeds, and nothing is ever going to look like I see in my head, like you might see in a
magazine, BUT I love it. It's hard work especially in the summer heat, but even when I'm sweating and a bit overwhelmed I love it. I always feel better in my soul when I have been in one of my gardens. Oh I may be tired, dirty, sore, and have tons of mosquito bites, I love it. Doing it makes me a happier person, and I have the bonus of fruit, veggies, and flowers. I don't know if he really understood, but I hope someday he will
experience it and then maybe he will understand.