Greetings fellow Permies! I am planting semi Dwarf apples in my front yard and curious about how far to plant from my driveway, I have read 6 feet is enough what do you all think?? Thanks for any help...
6 ft should be fine for a true dwarf but a semi dwarf may exceed that, you can obviously prune for above ground issues but maybe stretch to 8-10 ft for long term care of your driveway via possible root damage. Really though if the tree can spread in other directions it will avoid the dead zone of asphalt.
I just took an apple grafting class, and they supplied semi-dwarf rootstock (M111). They said to plant them 15' O.C. but that you can contril the size of any tree by judicious pruning,
Thanks all, for the reassurance. I am 8 feet off and they have plenty of room to spread in every other direction... felling good about the planting, thanks again!