My name is Shane and I am building an app/service for the world. Customers will be able to hire Permaculturists to design, build and maintain a
Permaculture foodscape garden for the customer to enjoy. Right now we have a kickstarter with 14 days left! and we're in need of help, the team is just myself and a few friends who believe in
permaculture and what this
project can do, and we believe it can do a lot. I believe with Plantr the dream of
Permaculture can come true, we can do a massive part to save the environment and restore the Wetlands while feeding the country and destroying powers that be that want TO KEEP THE PEOPLE DOWN! The Plantr app will give hundreds of thousands jobs all by growing food in peoples
yard and restoring what was destroyed long ago. You can follow us on social media under Plantr, Plantrapp, Plantrappofficial.
Founder / President
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