Hello there everyone!
First of all, let me introduce myself: I'm a newby here at this forum, and at all forums one might just say. I'm also portuguese and I'm starting my own farming experiences!
Right now, my goal is to start raising and producing ducks for eggs, meat, feathers, etc. At a first moment for my own consumption and study, and later to enter in the market. But unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this type of market in Portugal is very small, I've know only two large companies and their main market is foreign. Despite that, one can find several private persons having some ducks at home for their own consumption and to earn some extra money with neighbours or friends.
The reason I'm writting this post is because I'm trying to buy my ducks, but I can't find anyone of trust. Also,
online I'm finding several shipping problems to Portugal, or I'm just with bad luck. The breeds I'm looking for, at the moment, are Ancona, Khaki Campbell, Pequin, Welsh Harlequin, for now. I'm studying other breeds for the future, but let's start for those ones. So finally, my question for you is: do you know a place where I can find those breeds and I can order the ducks/ducklings to be shipped to Portugal?
I don't know if someone will read this, but to the ones who do so, thank you so much for your help!
P.S.: I'm sorry if something isn't correctly written. I'm not fluent in english, so please do not hesitate to let me know if something is wrong in my sentences!