Dear Paul: On my personal financial spreadsheet, which I designed myself and taught myself to keep daily eight years ago, I noted on September 10, 2020 at 6:20 AM CDT that I gave a "thumbs up" to respond to commit to purchasing 32 copies of a certain book that you were promoting, for $ 240.00, to include shipping. I asked, can they be shipped to the Philippines. Specifically, Ma. Clenielle Paz S. Cayacap Nelson / Purok 5, Villarica / 9410 Midsayap / Cotabato, Philippines. How much extra will I need to send you, to that "mailboxes etcetera type" mailing address in Missoula, to have the
books shipped via LBC Express to that individual? My new phone number from less than a week ago, is (847) 909-5567. Please respond to or give me a call when you're off the homestead and in town near a cell tower. Sincerely, Jack Nelson