“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, they find it attached to the rest of the world." - John Muir ⠀
Permaculture Design Elements Game. Free Download.⠀
Sharing over 170
cards featuring elements commonly found in
permaculture gardens, farms, homesteads and urban spaces.
Download 2021 edition at printable resolution in black and white for free.
Limited and numbered 2020 edition of 100 in full color. 50 have been gifted or pre-sales so 50 remain to find homes in the world.
Printable basemap game boards feature 8 different sites from cool climate, tropics and drylands.
Players are encouraged to make their own basemap game board for where they are developing a
permaculture system.
Learn and practice
permaculture design in a fun & creative way with people of all ages and
experience levels.
This toolkit is perfect for students and teachers, designers, consultants and educators.
Watercolour Illustrations : Brenna Quinlan⠀www.brennaquinlan.com
Pen & Ink Sketches : Ben Tour www.thetourshow.com
Paintings : Martin Bridge www.thebridgebrothers.com/bios/martinclarkbridge/
Design : Alexa Spaddy⠀www.alexaspaddy.com
Envoy : Delvin & Grace Solkinson www.permaculturedesign.earth www.visionarypermaculture.com
Inspired by a game learned from Michael Becker.
Printed 2020 Edition features simple “google translation” into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian & German and is best for English speakers.
Downloadable 2021 Edition features personal translation from permaculture allies
Spanish Translation : Aline Van Moerbeke www.permamed.org
Portuguese & Italian Translation : Jorge Barbosa www.facebook.com/inlakechpermacultura
German Translation : Claudia Dörr Proyecto Las Acacias
French Translation : Arnaud Fâche www.arnaudfache.wordpress.com