We are also in a drought and capturing all the water we can. My rain barrels have a lid cut out with screen in them, which filters out rocks, detritus, etc. We have serious mosquito problems here so that also stops them from laying eggs.
When we have heavy rain, I have large closed containers (20L) that I fill from the rain barrel. All of this water is later used on plants or to make manure tea, etc.
Water that is captured from shower/dishwashing/etc (in-house use, not rain) we keep in buckets and use within 24 hours, because it rapidly gets stinky (much worse than the rainwater, which mostly stays clean). We have a "cascade" system in which anything with soap, bleach,
shampoo etc gets used to wash dishes or clothes (if possible) first and then flush the toilet, while anything that is free from this stuff goes out the plants. It's a lot of hauling buckets, to be sure, but we've cut our water usage in half over the past few months.