Robert Ray wrote: After looking at them I achieved the same success with a 16 oz soda bottle split down one side and taped closed. I used a horse syringe with water to squirt into the moss potting soil mix as I did my daily fiddling, letting the ball get dry diminished my success rate.
Thanks a bunch Robert for your reply! Since you use a soda bottle, I assume that the bottle being transparent is not a problem for the developing
roots (since they are enclosed in soil too).
During the Pandemic we receive food from the
local school (USDA grant for *all* children) and the meals come with small 6 ounce chocolate and regular
milk containers. The milk is packaged at our local large
dairy packager in Frederick (Dairy Maid) so the food miles is close even though the packaging is hideous (especially at our scale as we have 10 children, ages 2y to 16y). Instead of recycling these containers, I am thinking I can use these as an appropriate sized root ball propagator, especially for my blueberries. We get so many of these (3 meals a day x 10 kids x 7 days a week) that I can cut them in half and use them clamshell together - see pic.
Should I wait until my typical pruning time (Jan-Feb) or would it be ok to try some now - or, do I need to wait until the danger of freezing is mostly past (I am in Zone 7a - Maryland Blue Ridge) in case a freeze through the soil and root ball propagator can kill the developing roots?
Thanks again for the advice!
Frog Hollow Schoolmaster's Homestead
Myersville, Maryland