Have you seen the movie Queen of the Sun yet? If not, come on down to our one room schoolhouse and watch it with us.
Queen of the Sun: The Movie
June 16 Saturday 7pm
Venersborg One-room Schoolhouse
24309 NE 209th St, Battle Ground, WA
(35 min. north of Portland, 1 hr 45 min south of Olympia)
Near everyone knows honeybees are struggling right now. How can we help them? This film visits 20 beekeepers from around the world who are doing their best to make things right in the bee kingdom. Researchers, scientists, rural and
city beekeepers and community swarm rescuer (that would be me!), we all speak our part. The movie is graced with Vandana Shiva and Michael Pollan who also describe the broad role
bees play in the world. Stunningly photographed, the movie has won a dozen awards.
Watch some scenes here:
Queen of the Sun movie trailer
No charge for the movie. We're going to pass-the-hat for donations toward Ron Barca's pro-agriculture campaign for Clark County Commissioner.
Jacqueline Freeman
Friendly Haven Rise Farm