So I've had an idea for a cheap and easy bumper sticker that could easily be bumped up to shirts and the like that promotes and specifically
The cynic in my thinks that the word
Hugelkultur is simply too long and foreign to keep people's goldfish-like attention, but the word Hugel is simple and kind of catchy. Nothing more than two syllables, quick
enough for us to process even at a casual glance. Plus, you can get simple bumperstickers like this made
online for around $3 each if you order 100 or more.
The same slogan would fit fine on hats and shirts, and with the shirts you could put the great graphic images of the hugelbeds that Paul has on the hugelkultur page on the front or back.
Of course, there'd need to be a link to the hugelkultur page close to the top of the Permies main page for that to work the best, otherwise people might get overwhelmed and give up...
"Instead of Pay It Forward I prefer Plant It Forward" ~Howard Story / "God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." ~John Muir
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