Hi there. I am looking for suggestions for "homesteading" on a very small
yard in a small town. I am
land locked by neighbors, a driveway easement through my property, and a very busy street.
I estimate that I garden on about 750 square feet of the property. I would like to do more, but I have tried things in the past and I feel like there is just no room and it doesn't work out and is a mess. Any suggestions or ideas? Vertical
gardening would be interesting, just not sure how to start, and the pictures I see look like they are for much larger areas.
Here are a few facts:
1. Zone 4
2. Upper midwest state. Pretty good soil.
3. Town won't let me have
chickens etc.
4. My available space is mainly in the front yard facing a busy street. It is south facing and gets a lot of sun.
5. Some garden space on the east side of the house gets morning early afternoon sun.
In a perfect world we would be able to move to a bigger place, but that won't happen for a long time. Thanks in advance.