I changed from working within the system to change it, to live the change I wanted to see in the world. Now, ten years with that mindset I have come to belive that beauty can save the world. It sure has save me. You have to go beyond the state of thinking to live in the present - do you want to get to that state, or do you want to help others get to that state? I for one do.
You have to confront your fears. When you do that, feel free to contact me. I've got it all lined up. I want to share with people who are free of fear. I can help you get there, I'm all ears, but you have to do the hard work.
If you practice a
sustainable life in Scandinavia, and want to get in touch - don't hesitate. I will dedicate the rest of this message to explain what sustainable means to me.
We sprout, juice it and drink the green shot in the morning. Then we boil the fiber and use the broth in a soup. Then we use the fiber to make "burgers". That is sustainable living. We grow potatoes, boil them, peel them and mix them with as little wheat flour as possible. From that we make "pancakes". I start every day with a cold
shower now, and I train to tolerate more and more cold. And I strenghthen every part of my body every day. Those are just some examples of how we are making it possible to stay positive in a community (world culture) based on negativity.
If you are interested in how beauty can save the world, confront your fears and get in touch.