Hey guys, I was hoping someone might be able to help me solve a little problem.
I built a small TLUD for making
biochar out of a 1gal paint can and a small length of pipe as a chimney. I drilled a bunch of holes (about 20) at the bottom of the paint can and cut out a circle in the middle of the lid that's just slightly smaller than the pipe that I used for the chimney so that it can sit on top of it. I just used sticks that I found laying around and small chunks of
firewood that I cut to fit inside.
I propped it up on two bricks so there would be airflow to the bottom, then lit it with the top off just to get it going. Then when it was lit well I put on the top (which has the hole in the middle) and it got really smokey. Basically it burned pretty well and with surprisingly little smoke when it was just an open fire. When I put on the top and the chimney, it started smoking a lot. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I think I
should have used better fuel first of all, but I'm thinking maybe I should drill a few holes in the pipe that I'm using as a chimney to get a little more air to it, even though it's supposed to be a low-oxygen burn.
It did make charcoal though, so it wasn't a total loss. I'd just prefer to not make an incredibly smokey fire and waste half of my fuel if at all possible.