Hi everyone.
Lately I have been letting my neighbor stack some old cedar decking in my burn pile for disposal. I checked before each drop off and he knows and understands my intense dislike for burning anything with green
wood (CCA, etc). As I said, these were all cedar planks that had rotted and we had quite a pile of them.
Last night we burned them--what a blaze! Today I checked on the still-smoldering ashes and I noticed that some of the ashes had a slight olive-greenish hue to them--certainly not everywhere but it was noticeable. I
should also note that the coals underneath are still very hot, and before sunrise this morning the pile of "ashes" was still glowing orange-red.
Does anyone have any idea what that greenish hue might be? As I said, I checked for treated lumber and I am not familiar with burning cedar--is this just how cedar ashes look?
Thanks in advance for anyone who has any ideas,