Greetings all!
I am the developer of a new website which is designed to allow you to create and share gardens. I made this site because I wanted a way to share my garden with my friends and family.
It is in beta at the moment, and I am looking for some users to play with it and give me some feedback.
Plant listing
+ Upload photo
+ Update plant details, with specific
permaculture attributes
Group listing
+ Upload photo
+ Join or create as many groups as you like
Virtual garden tool
+ Upload background image
+ Create layers with visibility toggle (herbs, shrubs,
trees, etc)
+ Drag and drop plants to an exact location on a layer
Coming soon:
+ sort
+ pagination
+ search
I'd be thrilled to hear your feedback on the site, and how your
experience was. Feel free to email me anytime:
Here is the link to the site:
I'm building out my garden, but you can see how far I have gotten with it:
My Garden
Thanks so much, and I hope you all find the site interesting and useful!