Fantastic suggestions, this is the information I was referring to and so much more in as far as technology goes we've just begun to scratch the surface.
My leaning toward recycling plastic is to clean up our mess and resin would defeat the purpose. It's basically the income that can be generated and be used to reduce the catastrophe that has been generated.
I love CNC so having one collecting dust "no es bueno," due to circumstances no where to work. This device can make injection molding plates.
I haven't made any video in this regard. Hopefully soon I will get a place in order to demonstrate my version of this process. I have no trouble in being patient to put this together unfortunately time is running out.
Our world is in trouble any one who can help needs to if theres a law to prevent this its illegal and unconstitutional.
I've only studied the constitution of the United States of America and found many new laws that totally violate the laws of this
Only those who have the heart to try and do will succeed.