We worried last year's drought killed the field but it appears to be perfect this year. Knee high in some places and waist high in others. This field takes my breath away.
Awesome I just spread sainfoin, utah sweetvetch, and birds foot trefoil this spring in my swales. May I ask what your annual precipitation and average PH are?
Also, I do have hairy vetch. I planted it the same year as the sainfoin. It did well the first two years but less and less comes back each year. No idea why.
I'm so envious. I collected a few sainfoin seeds last year (just a handful) and I'm trying to get a few plants established at home. Do you have bees? The do amazingly well on nectar from sainfoin. It flows for months as the plants keep on flowering.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:I'm so envious. I collected a few sainfoin seeds last year (just a handful) and I'm trying to get a few plants established at home. Do you have bees? The do amazingly well on nectar from sainfoin. It flows for months as the plants keep on flowering.
I did not get bees this year. 5 years running I got bees only to have them die in the winter. Blah! They did produce an amazing amount of honey every year though.
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Is that almond roca? Did you find it in the cat box? What is on this tiny ad?
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