I recently got a suburban block in Denmark and am figuring out what I have to work with before deciding what to do with the place (i.e. I'm at the observation stage). I have a handful of quite tall
trees I believe to be Lawson cypress. Here in northern Europe, these are comparatively inexpensive trees at garden nurseries and therefore rather common. It seems they don't grow anywhere nearly as tall as in their
native western US, but they're still too tall for my property and also nothing else grows underneath them.
They may of
course shade out other plants, but a quick google search also makes me think they may be allelopathic. If this is the case, how large an area might be impacted by this allelopathic effect? Only the area where they shed needles or the whole area penetrated by their
I make neither arrow shafts, coffins, temples or string instruments (to which end the straightness of the grain apparently recommends this type of
wood), so I am considering either
hugelkultur (after some rotting),
firewood (after some drying) and making
fence posts from the thinner branches.