I harvested some nasturtium seeds today with the idea I might make some caper subsitutes.
I might try this recipe
1/2 cup freshly harvested young green nasturtium seed pods
1 cup distilled water
2 teaspoons sea salt
Wash nasturtium seeds thoroughly, remove any remaining stems, and break the seed pods apart. Place seeds in a wide mouth quarter-pint jar.
Dissolve salt in water to make brine; pour brine over nasturtium seeds to cover. Refrigerate remaining brine. Place a glass weight on top of seeds to prevent floating and to keep seeds submerged.pouring brine into a glass jar filled with nasturtium seeds
Use the Fermentools airlock system---it fits right onto any wide mouth jar---to prevent accidental overflows and to keep out the fruit flies. (I'm loving how easy fermenting is with this system!) After about three days, open the jar and you will likely smell a bit of a sulphur odor.
Drain seeds, cover with reserved brine, and put the airlock back in place. Allow to sit at room temperature for another three days or so, then give them the old taste test.
see link for more details.
Maybe there are better ones?