To put it bluntly, I accidentally found this website while searching the web for any and all homesteading dating sites. Turns out, there really aren't any.
OOPS. However, it lead me to this forum, and even better, a site where I found there are other people like me! People who want to learn, to grow, and who seek community with like-minded individuals. I don't feel so...alone, in my love of eclectic learning, anymore.
All that being said, I thought I'd introduce myself on the off-chance that there is anyone interested in getting to know me--whether as friends, or potentially something more.
I'm first and foremost a born-again child of God and follower of Yeshua (Jesus's original name).
I'm a very emotional person. And by that, I don't mean sulking around. I mean I have a big heart for creatures and children, loads of empathy, a bit of melancholy (days can't always be bright, right?), and a load of Joy and laughter.
I enjoy quality time with people; conversations and sharing my food with you are my major forms of expressing love <3
I live in Northern Utah, and have for most of my life. Maybe I'll relocate eventually, but I feel it'd be hard to leave my family, since I'm really family-oriented.
I enjoy playing and listening to music. I play the bass guitar and violin.
I have somewhat traditional values, such as head covering, women being nurturers and men being protectors, etc.
I love to garden! Some stuff I've grown:
Wheat; I grew this from kernals I found sprouting in a
hay bale we had.
Tomatoes; who hasn't, at this point?
Corn; well, I almost did, anyway. A heatwave and a drought killed them.
Various types of beans
Speghetti squash
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
So, if you're a single Christian Guy in your twenties, or just looking for a friend, feel free to message me :)