I'm a vegan, and I live in Michigan which has all 4 seasons. If possible I would like to be raw vegan, but canned food requires cooking as part of the process, so the only way I can think of to be raw foodist in the winter is to eat seeds, since seeds preserve well for a year or more. However almost all seeds have a shell. I would like to prepare for a future where there is no electric power, or electricity becomes too expensive, so I want a hand cranked seed huller. The most important seed for me is hemp seed. Hemp seed contains all 9 amino acids that the human body needs, and every vitamin and mineral necessary, plus omega 3 and 6 oil in proper balance, so I want a hand cranked seed huller that will work well for hemp seeds.
I've tried the
wood board on seed then hammer on board method they recommend
online to hull the seeds, and the results are atrocious, I'm just smashing the seeds to pieces, with no discrimination between the shell and the heart of the seed, then they say to put the resulting pieces into the
water the stir vigorously to separate the seed and the shell, but it seems that both the seed and the shell act the same in the water, so they don't separate easily. Both the seed heart and the shell will float to the top and the bottom and distribute through the whole body of water.
I've also tried just eating the hemp seed with the shell on but the shell is a digestive nightmare, only slightly less painful than eating sunflower seed shells.
Does anyone know of any home seed huller or another method to hull hemp seed reliably?