A plea to return to natural ways is moot if one doesn't confront the
root of the problem. The root of the problem are the big three lobbies: Big Pharm, Big Ag, Big Oil. They only see and are only interested in $$. As long as they can make $$, they will lobby for and win laws that rape the
land and demean the people. What is needed is to fight $$ with $$ and make natural farming more viable than chemical ag. For example,
Fukuoka focused on eliminating unnecessary processes which added to cost of production and sold his crops at competitive prices. Natural farming doesn't need to have a more expensive product. It just needs the best product for the price. Granted the farmer's expenses need to be covered, but the farmer needs to look at what is a real expense and what is an imagined need. I think these needs can be covered and then some without the aid of subsidies.
I do agree with Sepp's letter. It is very important that every effort is made to do things sustainably without the big three.