I'm a young African woman who just cant resist the call of nature and I would love to work as an intern or
wwoof on eco farms, forest gardens, organic
permaculture farms, homesteads, etc and the like here in Michigan. I am well educated but i am intelligent
enough not to be guided by my "education" but by my spirit, my true satisfaction comes from serving the earth and all the people of the earth. the reason why I am posting this here is
1) would like some help from the experiences of people here, so that they can lead me and help me locating such farms and or organizations, (open to short or long term)
2) grew up traveling the world and immersing into and experiencing many different cultures and thus i am open to different people, tribes and colors. i certainly would hope to meet people who are also open, especially to hiring a dark skin- I can definitely teach some African things!- in a world torn by differences we can certainly make a difference..
3) fortunately I have 2 young boys (age 1&2) - they are the reason, they are my teachers, through them I have learned a lot and also come to accept my calling. i would love for them to grow in diversified environments, to know that everyone has something special to bring to the table, we are all not born to try and be CEO's- oops about to start lecturing.
a child welcoming farm is best- if they arent perhaps after meeting my children they will become.
i sincerely would like my children to connect with the soil and thats the very reason i am looking for these opportunities.
I have some knowledge about agriculture- remineralization of soil, growing plants, tending animals, and a lot about feeding the soil and feeding the plants and feeding ourselves, but i am here to learn also a believer in "there is a solution to every problem", the perfect thing about creation is it created the remedies for every problem. i would say the biggest area of interest right now is nutrition and healing. i am currently studying nutritional balancing science especially in regards to pediatrics- fetuses(pregnant women), babies and toddlers which is a study i began in response to my own children's needs.
(you know the farms where they are off grid and have
cob houses/tiny houses and the like are definitely my priority- but right now its a step at a time)
i'm deeply thankful for the help i will recieve