I started with a really complicated system using a "waterclock" and really complicated rain refill method ( that worked) but it probably scared people. Someone suggested just use a float and I tried it. Works great! You can get a week from a rain barrel (probably more), Here is the instructable
http://www.instructables.com/id/The-AMAZING-TCMTECH-dripper-irrigation-for-rainbar/ and I will try a few pics here to show how simple it is.
shows the whole idea and this shows the float I used successfully.
It is just a glass pot top with the handle removed. (It is on the float in the image.
Water comes in the steam outlet (I have slowed it down with grass stems) and goes down the tube in the middle.
It works super. Anyone else want to try? I have videos about it in a playlist at
It would be really great if people tried this right away. Too many times people sit on their hands and wait for someone else. Please try it and report your findings.