posted 15 years ago
I recently made a visit to a little place in west Olympia called Black Lake Organics, owned by Gary Kline. It would never be mistaken for a BigBox store -- it's mainly two small rooms.
But are they PACKED!
He has packages of all kinds of organic soil amendments of the mineral type, and they have their own line of organic fertilizers. AND they come in all sizes, from 1 lb to 5 lb to 10 lb to bulk amounts. I usually operate in small mode, so that is great for me. And they do mail order, too, with size/weight limitations, although he can ship multiples of the maximum size.
His prices are really good! If you click on Products, you can check out the list of what he carries (MS Word or .pdf), with the size/price and info. You can buy a mix or the individual components.
They also carry seeds, worm tea, seed starting supplies, worm bins, and a lot of other stuff.
Gary has a friend who raises about 200 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, and some are available at the store in varying numbers.
They also have newsletter that you can sign up for. (Archives on the site.)
If you live in the south sound and haven't been there, it's on Black Lake Blvd, a little over 2.5 miles south of I-101 on the right, across the street from Black Lake itself.
If you're visiting Olympia (except on Sun. or Mon.), you would probably find it worth yoru time to stop in and look around.