Interested in Vermicomposting and how it can change the world?
Mark your calendar and invite your friends - change the world!
What: Ecosystem Services of Worms and Soil
Who: Tom Herlihy - Worm Power - Avon, New York
Where: University of Montana, Missoula - Jeanette Rankin Hall, Second Floor
When: Monday, October 15, 7-9 PM
Free & Open to all UM Students and the Public
The presentation will be a brief overview of the largest vermicomposting facility in the US. The facility is co-located on a 1,600 head
dairy operation in Avon, NY and annually processes over 10,000,000 Ibs of manure in a highly engineered continuous-flow vermicomposting system. The end product is a certified, "listed", organic plant growth and plant protection material that is used at some of the nation's largest organic and conventional
greenhouse operations. The facility employs a two step composting and vermicomposting process to ensure pathogen destruction and ensure consistent end-product quality. The presentation will focus on both the state-of-the-art vermicomposting technology (production process) and its ability to integrate the excess nutrients from animal agriculture (manure management) into
sustainable materials for horticultural production. Descriptions will be presented of current innovative manure management systems in place at the dairy and of the operating principals at the vermicomposting facility and its 45,000,000 earthworm workers.
Presenter Information
Tom is a Founder and the CEO of Worm Power with over 25 years engineering
experience specializing in the design, permitting construction and operation of large scale organic waste projects. His multi-disciplined background varies from an Agricultural Extension Agent in West Africa, general dairy farm labor, and 20 years as a Consulting Environmental Engineer before founding Worm Power. Since then he has focused all of his professional attention on developing large-scale vermicomposting systems and the production of vermicompost-based plant growth and plant protection products.