We live and work in northern lower Michigan. Upland forests, lots of lakes and steams. We call it "Fruitland" because of the density of wild, food giving plants as well as the sheer volume of mixed fruit production on these hills overlooking the big lakes.
We have found this unique microclimate and
local culture to be very conducive to research and development in
permaculture applications. We currently shepard an 80 acre spread surrounded by forested lands where "tree crops", forest gardens, and
perennial polycultures have been started and tested.
We also have improved plantations of sheet composting evergreen systems providing not only an endless supply of mulch/compost, but also vast amounts of building materials.
We are looking for the next generation of stewards to look over this work and neighborhood (we are 64 and have been at this more or less for most of our lives since or mid-30's).
Can we help you? We have many ideas for how healthy and enlightened humans could live gracefully with the products of their own earthcare.
Permaculture ethic number one: EARTH CARE
If interested, please introduce your ideas to ...
All best wishes for your greatest success.