I've been looking for a hand held temp probe, i've seen a few in some of the videos i've watched. But so far everything i've found that will read to 500 F or more is from $700.00 to $1,200.00. Can anyone make a suggestion for a brand or model that's more affordable?
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
you might know this but I thought id just mention. those don't work so well on reflective surfaces and also work better within a couple inches....that's all. just hoped to save any confusing results.
Or we might never have existed at all. Freaky. So we should cherish everything. Even this tiny ad: