Aj French

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since Oct 13, 2012
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Mahanoy City, PA
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Recent posts by Aj French

Just moved to central CT. My wife and I have 3 acres now to start our homestead.  Would really like to connect with others and learn from them as well.
2 years ago
Has there been any mention other than the podcast about the DVD?
12 years ago
I second this motion! can't wait to see more!
12 years ago
I was going to start a thread asking the same thing! I was trying to wait, but I've been searching kickstarter for any of the mentioned projects and haven't found any yet. I'm VERY interested and looking to support in any way I can! looking forward to hearing some news! Thank you for your work guys!
12 years ago
Well I have no ingenious idea's and its hard to say since im not sure what your working on in your garage. I would like something that has atleast two uses. Instead of just some mass, make a small heated table. Since your obviously good with metal working you could make a small metal table built slightly encapsulating the thick exhaust pipe. Without using materials that conduct and store heat well (Your using more materials that insulate from heat compared to say, cob or water) your table wouldnt reach the same high heats (which would make it unusable) , but it would certainly heat up. So what about a heated tool cleaner, or just a spot to dry/warm gloves or boots? I personally, am hard on my tools and come across very "used" tools, so a warm oil bath or two stage tool cleaner, would be my experiment. Just throwing things out there, didnt get much time to think about it but since I didnt think much about my first post and that one seemed to give you a thought, maybe this one would spark an idea. hhmmm, already reconsidering what I've wrote....oh well. Maybe ill have something smarter to say later, haha.
12 years ago
Neat! hope it is going well. how much space are you heating? thinking of adding some thermal mass to that?
12 years ago
Hi Tyler!! I like the organizing idea. just let me know. I work ALL the time so I'll just make time one day. Actually I work so much every single post i've done has been from my phone, ha. so don't mind the messed up words and punctuation please. If you still need materials for you RMH i'm working on getting a truck load or more from two different businesses, if it works out I'll have more then enough fire brick (in varying condition) and refactory mortar. I'll let you know if it pans out.
12 years ago
Thank you very much Rick! I look forward to learning about you growing methods. I have a 10x13 green house we just built this year. so for the first time we are trying to grow all year round. so far we didn't have great success during the normal growing season because of bugs. lookimg into some organic solutions. you said to plant the garlic by November 15th. is it better outside or should I plant it in the greenhouse? Thanks again. oh also I have some friends in varying lines of work and i'm trying to get some pickup truck fulls worth of fire brick and maybe some much cheaper fire morter than buying it in the store. I'll let everyone on here know when I get some maybe we can ask start working on those RMHs!
12 years ago
Not sure if this is anyones cup of tea. but as I comment and read and explore permaculture this song gives me chills and gets me worked up.


its called 2nd law. which is a reference to the second law of Thermodynamics.
one quote from lord Kelvin....
Kelvin statement

Lord Kelvin expressed the second law as "It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of the surrounding objects.[7] This may be restated as[4]“No process is possible in which the sole result is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and its complete conversion into work.”This means it is impossible to extract energy by heat from a high-temperature energy source and then convert all of the energy into work. At least some of the energy must be passed on to heat a low-temperature energy sink. Thus, a heat engine exhibiting 100% efficiency is thermodynamically impossible. This also means that it is impossible to build solar panels that generate electricity solely from the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum without consideration of the temperature on the other side of the panel (as is the case with conventional solar panels that operate in the visible spectrum).Note that it is possible to convert heat completely into work, such as the isothermal expansion of ideal gas. However, such a process has an additional result. In the case of the isothermal expansion, the volume of the gas increases and never goes back without outside interference.
12 years ago
Sorry I shouldn't have jumped the gun. RMH was already mentioned. I agree on all counts on food. My wife and I are trying to provide fruits and vegetables for us and extra for our parents. not there yet and so far need to learn a lot about canning. but hey I have a goal and its better then watching TV!!!

Also, Rick, I will pay for a tour!! sounds spectacular and exactly what I want for my future...especially the mushrooms and 30 kinds of garlic!!!

Lastly if anyone needs anything from seeds to building materials or even rocks out Koi, please post. i'm more than willing to share anything I have. although it varies and as far as seeds, we will have much more saved soon.
12 years ago