[size=16]Dear friends,
Last winter, when temperatures dropped to -25 C° a visionary from the cold northern world developed a masterpiece
online training that teaches how to conceptualise, design and draw an off-grid,
solar passive and self heating Earthship hybrid. He utilised low tech materials such as super/hyper-adobe bags, tires, bottle bricks for the walls and thin clay tiles or ferrocement for the vaulted catenary roof.
Alosha is a natural building teacher and is currently constructing a prototype of this buriable home. Due to the sheer amount of practical
experience, he shares some down to Earth principles and know-how as well as what to avoid when designing a home for your specific climatic conditions.
In his Bio-Veda 12 week online live
class you will learn:
- the theory, mechanics, physics and design inspirations
- How to draw on graph paper, with pencil, compass & ruler
- how to model the same home you drew in 2D, now in Rhino 3D
Please check out Alosha's online course