I'll be presenting "Replacing Irrigation with Permaculture" at the University of Montana November 27, 2012. 3:40pm. Room 352 at the UM Social Science building.
Here is a video of me giving the presentation near Sandy Eggo earlier this year:
Anybody have a link to a UM map so I can find my way to the auditorium where this will be held?
This is awesome Paul. Could you please post it on the UM events calendar at the link I'll paste in here? It will then be on the UM home page on the day of the event. http://events.umt.edu/
Jo York wrote:This is awesome Paul. Could you please post it on the UM events calendar at the link I'll paste in here? It will then be on the UM home page on the day of the event. http://events.umt.edu/
Go to the building that is circled in red. If you are driving you need to either take Conel or sixth street (not Eddie) to avoid one ways. Also there is no free parking untill 5:00around the social science buiding so if you want to be legal you will need to park by the university center or some where west of aurthur outside thepermitzone. The social science building is an old brick building with a newer (by that i mean 70's) style addition only visible from the north side. Wahooo! Why water when you can permaculture?!