I'm looking to replace an evergreen in my front
Primarily I am looking for shade, from a small or medium sized tree, due to the size of the yard/distance from the house. I would like it to be deciduous, and drought tolerant.
Nyssa sylvatica is mentioned in the regional xeriscape database as requiring "low water" - however, when I research it further it seems as though it likes to grow near creek bottoms, etc., so I am wondering if it is in fact drought tolerant? The evergreen I'm replacing was killed by drought.
I like the idea that it might grow berries for birds to eat, but I am also wondering if the berries will fall and make a mess, as whatever I plant will likely overhang a neighbouring yard and I don't want neighbour drama.
Anything you can tell me about this tree (particularly about it's suitability as a shade tree for a home in a town setting) would be welcome! Thank you!