I am taking a PCD
course in Petaluma Ca taught by
Toby Hemenway, and am also starting a
local food cooperative here in Napa. I have a couple of allies and about 40 likes in a few weeks on a
facebook page and a few good leads on some folks with property who seem to want to open up to community use. I do have questions about this opportunity, but am not clear where to go here to talk about these issues. The questions include is there a place that describes how to grow the top 50 fruits and vegetables, or a resource which lists some of the best known
permaculture books by category, or lists some of the best known permacultarilists etc? I know how to grow the top 50 vegetables sounds simplistic, but we need to start somewhere in educating our public and even this most simple task seems hard to put together and for me and calls into question the resource sharing capacity of the food movement in general. hope this does not sound like a complaint since I do aim to stay positive, but I am constantly feeling I need to reinvent the wheel to get anything done