Hi all;
As most of you know I have 2 batch box RMHs.
A 7" in my shop and a 6" in our studio.
Both are in the extreme burning category, with back-to-back fires.
With the 6" studio
dragon we light it off in the morning (7-9 am) It gets full hard core burns all day every day until evening (8-10 pm)
This happens from Sept-Oct thru April and sometimes into May.
Apx one year ago I installed an RA330 stub in this stove. After one year, although discolored, that stub is 100% as good as new!
This morning I removed it and replaced it with an RA253 MA stub.
I started offering this material about a month ago as a "Silver option" stub at
It is lower cost and has only a slightly lower max operating temperature than my "gold standard" RA330
I am sure that in an insulated home with only a few fires the RA253 will last a lifetime.
I need to know if it can survive extreme duty service.
If it can survive in my Studio dragon for the rest of this season and the start of next season then it may become the new "gold Standard" at Dragontech!
I am offering the used barely broken-in RA330 stub for sale at