This is our first go with
rabbits and one of the does we got came pregnant, surprise!..While the rabbit colony is being built, we set her up in her own hutch and she had her kits on New Years day. A few days ago I noticed her left ear had brown, waxy, flaky residue and after researching, it is definitely ear mites. I’m only interested in holistic and natural treatments as these are our meat rabbits. I’m following the protocol I found on
and using the olive oil concoction. I mixed 1/2oz olive oil with 1ml vitamin E(it calls for 400 IU but all we have is a bottle of it and I don’t know how much 400 IU is..) and a few drops of tea tree oil in a dropper bottle. I’ll be applying the treatment on day one by placing 2-3 drops in both ears and gently massaging the base of the ears. You may also use a cotton ball to coat the inside of the ear. On days 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 repeat same treatment as day one. Treat again on days 14, 21 and 28. With this treatment, your mite infestation
should be gone. Ear mite eggs live for 28 days so by following this treatment plan you will break the life cycle of the mites. Remember you only need a few drops, do not overdo it.
HOWEVER, you’re supposed to remove the rabbit from its habitat, clean & sanitize it and house them in a separate place for at least 3 weeks while treating to ensure their original housing is free of mites and that they don’t reinfect their housing while shaking their head. We will not be doing that as she has 9 of her kits that depend on her. Instead I’ll be applying the oil concoction every other day to the mama and her babies(as preventative) until we have the colony ready for them and they are free of ear mites. I’ll also be adding a few tablespoons of
apple cider vinegar in their
water to act as a repellent and general tonic. Not sure if it’ll work, but this is the best we can think of to do in this situation.
If anyone has a similar
experience or any other holistic treatments, please share🙏