I’m designing a small farm and hops are a part of that. The soil is very wet and I’m thinking of planting the bines next to a vertical hugelkultur. I figured it would help the drainage issue and fertilization too. Does anyone have experience with such things?
I had years ago a small hop yard. I think hops grown in a Hugelkultur sounds like a good idea. I remember planting the hops in small mounds. May to you better luck than I have had and good hops!
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
Thanks T! The area he wants them is beside a pond. I think it’s too wet for them. I have successfully planted things around vertical hugelkultur’s before. I wouldn’t give it another thought if I were planting them here. I just don’t want his to die.
Thanks again!
Regards, Scott
Watchya got in that poodle gun? Anything for me? Or this tiny ad?
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