In my orchard I plant a lot of different berries and fruits including stone fruits. I want to add acid loving plants as well, but would have to lower the PH, that’s currently is 7.2. Is it possible to only do it where I want the plants, or
should I do it for the whole area? How do I set it up, so everything will grow in the same area?
I have attached my design plan (where most has already been done), and the results of the soil testing.
My inspiration has been the seven layers of the food forest garden. So far, I have all the
trees in place, some berries, vines and scrubs. My elderberries thrive, which I love. Right now, I am working on level 3 and 6. Schrubs and berries, plus prepping for herbs and vegetables.
It all got me thinking whether I need to make zones with different PH or if I can pull off the same PH is the entire area.