I've read some conflicting info on whether this is recommended. Some say the blackcaps are too susceptible to fungal diseases from other raspberries and
should be kept many meters apart. Others say that's a myth.
Has anyone got firsthand accounts of them being grown successfully together?
I've got blackcaps and fall gold raspberries I want to put in at opposite ends of a newly constructed raspberry
trellis and they'd eventually grow toward each other. I'm a little concerned that being here in the rainy PNW (Vancouver) I might be more likely to run into problems, but I'm also of the mind that I don't baby my plants too much, I pop things in and let the strongest survive. I'd love to give the blackcaps their own spot but I'm literally on 1/12th of an acre so that's not happening. I could give them away if the general advice is that it's pretty likely to fail, otherwise I'd like to give them a shot here if the chances are good.
Thanks for any input.