Text from a friend: “Just had an eagle drop a duck in my
yard will get back to you.”
A few minutes later this:
“It was like a new delivery service. As I was texting you a big Pekin duck dropped from the sky in front of my window!
Turns out to be the neighbor's duck two doors down. An eagle had grabbed it and lost control while flying over. Needed a few staples and antibiotics but otherwise survived fine. “
local eagles are short of salmon, so they've started harvesting from the farms around here including mine. When I went out for duckie bedtime, I saw an eagle on the ground trying to target my big male Muscovy, who was using a big tree to block the eagle's attempts. Bro was sure happy to go up the hill to his night-time
shelter! No dawdling tonight! I thought I'd lost Halo, but she was hiding in a nest box in her overnight shelter. I'm not sure if she'd been hiding nearby and went in while I was rounding up her friends, or if she'd been there all afternoon as I think she may be near broody despite being a bit young for it. I was just glad she found a safe place and will happily give her eggs if it keeps her safe!