I did end up cutting down part of it. I was pretty sure I had identified it as a maple and when I cut it I could smell maple and I tasted the sap and it was slightly sweet like maple. Maple is an alleliopath (sp?) so I am glad it is coming down to make room for an apple and a plum that will act as a buffer between the apple and oak (peaceful valley was out of the almond). It is on my property to the Northern edge so no real benefit of shade but I have a lot of others that have to come down because they block light. There were a lot of weed trees in
fence lines allowed to get out of control. I have about an 1/8 th of an acre so limited space and making room for desirables are a big part of my motivation, as well as
firewood, lumber,
hugel fodder, and compostables. Unfortunately a few of the fence-line weed trees are mulberry trees, which I want, so I am considering trying to coppice them (at least one or two) and try to train/prune them out away from the fence.