That link is utterly unreadable for me, because the Des Moines Register has so many flying popups and (ultimately) some sort of quiz that blacks out the article until you complete it, which I am unwilling to do.
However, here's a link to a less-detailed story about the same dude, who has apparently found a use for the fruit of the Osage Orange tree, which fruit we call "horse apples" or just "Osage Oranges" here in Oklahoma. ("Hedge balls" is apparently an Iowa-ism.)
I'm actually rather interested in his unspecified method for separating out the seeds. He's pressing them for oil to use in cosmetics, but those seeds are not just edible, but also tasty -- in fact they have a lot in common with sunflower seeds. But separating them from the sticky/stiff/rubbery fruit by hand is intensely slow and difficult.