Angela Wilcox wrote:Kimberly, how special! Your daughter snapped a lovely picture. What water source is nearby for the hummingbirds?
Hi Angela:)
Thank you and what a great question! It got me thinking. We have two mini wildlife ponds, a
bucket pond and two bird baths. I had just assumed that the hummers drank from there as the other birds and dragonfly’s do. Is there something else they need especially for them? I believe at one time if not now , they lived in our huge lemon tree. We have seen pairs of them in the
yard from time to time and seems like in general the hummers gravitate towards that tree. Lol when we harvest lemons we can see small dots on some where it looks like someone was sipping from. Lately a mocking bird was tending a nest and he wouldn’t allow anyone in the yard. I think he’s leaving but now the scrub jay is moving back in. The jays often nest in that tree and chase our wonderful doves away until they’re done nesting as well. But we do enjoy the scrubs in spite of their naughtiness and enjoy feeding them peanuts. They are very fun to watch:)
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught , and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we can’t eat money. “