Kyle Hayward wrote:Just wanted to say what a beautiful Reishi, looks like polished mahogany, what do they taste like?
They taste strongly! It's hard to compare to any other type of food, since it is a very unique flavor. Bitter, acrid, and pungent are all words I would use... funky, mushroom-y. All Ganoderma species that I have tried share a certain flavor profile, but can range quite a bit in their particularities. I used to get two types of cultivated reishi from a Chinese supplier: high grade and low grade. The low grade were just about the worst tasting thing you could imagine, seriously funky. The high grade were grow using a relatively new type of cultivation that uses alfalfa or other types of
hay as substrate and made a very pleasant tea, if a little bitter. The wild hemlock reishi in my area are pretty mild, much less bitter than any cultivated variety I've tried.
They are incredibly beautiful. I know of some old growth hemlock stands in Northern WI/MI that can produce dozens, if not scores, of massive conks on a single tree: they are a sight to behold!