Kyle Hayward

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since May 11, 2023
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Very cool, I wonder if you gave some leeway (space) from the top beam to the wall for the roof to settle?
This is usually done to avoid breaking the glass if that occurs.

Also might consider painting the frames with maybe a milk paint or something to encapsulate them in case there is any lead paint already on them.
2 days ago
Garden grown hot peppers...all kinds...all temps...all the time.
"I'll eat anything.. as long as it's hot!"
2 days ago
What about raw honey.
I recently used some in lieu of 3antibio. on a face cut and it was kind of itchy...I saw that as a good thing, as in probably stimulating regrowth of tissue, worked great.

"Indeed, medicinal importance of honey has been documented in the world's oldest medical literatures, and since the ancient times, it has been known to possess antimicrobial property as well as wound-healing activity. The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too. The antimicrobial activity in most honeys is due to the enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide. However, another kind of honey, called non-peroxide honey (viz., manuka honey), displays significant antibacterial effects even when the hydrogen peroxide activity is blocked. Its mechanism may be related to the low pH level of honey and its high sugar content (high osmolarity) that is enough to hinder the growth of microbes. The medical grade honeys have potent in vitro bactericidal activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria causing several life-threatening infections to humans. "
1 week ago
Losing fur kids is devastating...what I like to do when I'm ready is write them an obituary of sorts, I include all the funny, goofy, loving stories about them that I can remember and share it with family and email it along with pictures to those who knew my pet as I did...and then get to hear stories that I forgot about or didn't know. It helps and it's a great way to honor and cherish them.
1 week ago
I wash by hand, I usually find it a calming and productive moment of minor accomplishment even though I have a brand new dishwasher, came with the house and I was told to use it at least once a year to keep the seals from drying I do, but really don't like to.
3 weeks ago
"Lawns are slowly choking us to death. This is a handmade blueprint for unf*cking our land."

1 month ago
Happy Winter Solstice, I celebrated by powerwalking my two four legged kids through the park adjacent to my home.
The sun shined down upon us the whole time,  we saw coyote and turkey tracks, said hi to a lone woman walking and it was glorious, what a wonderful day to be alive !

6 facts about the winter solstice
Find out some of the more interesting facts about the winter solstice.

1. The magic moment
While many focus on the winter solstice as a day in the calendar, what we are actually talking about is a very specific moment which is over almost as soon as it has begun.

The solstice marks the point at which the Sun is exactly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn, which this year will happen on Saturday, 21 December at 09:21.

2. The Sun stands still
Like many other astronomical terms, the word solstice comes from Latin. Owing to the Sun appearing to 'standstill' in the sky when it reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, the word solstitium was used which in turn is composed of the words sol (meaning 'sun') and sistere (meaning to 'standstill').

3. Winter begins
As well as marking the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice marks the first day of winter in the astronomical calendar, whilst in the meteorological calendar, we are already three weeks into winter.

4. Nine hours darker
You're probably aware that the day of the winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year, but did you know that its almost nine hours shorter than the longest day of the year?

The summer solstice in June is just short of 16 hours and 38 minutes long, while on the day of the winter solstice the length of the day is a mere 7 hours and 50 minutes.

5. The earliest sunset
Logically you'd expect the earliest sunset to fall on the shortest day, but the earliest sunset actually occurs a few days earlier in the calendar and it's all to do with our clocks not quite mirroring the Earth's orbit.

True solar noon, the point at which the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, occurs around 10 minutes earlier than when our clocks strike 1200, and it is this discrepancy that means the sunset also arrives a little later on the solstice.

6. Solstice and Christmas
Amongst the many festivals that centre around the solstices and equinoxes, the Scandinavian festival of Jul has some rituals that are probably more familiar than you think.

Perhaps more familiar to us as Yule, the 12-day festival centred around the solstice has given birth to many of our most familiar Christmas traditions including the Christmas tree, the Yule log and the Christmas wreath.

1 month ago

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:But you can not feel a personal feeling about that person, you don't know who it was/is. I don't know if in such a case you can use the word 'forgiveness' ... Possibly you can

Certainly you can! You can feel rage, anger or frustration at whoever took it, why not forgiveness. One need not know the person intimately or even personally to forgive, it's about how we feel about a person, not who they are.
2 months ago
When one is ready to forgive:
Forgiveness is important for personal growth and especially serenity, it does not imply trust.
Forgiveness does not mean you are OK with what was done to you, just that you are no longer allowing it to occupy your mind or emotional stability.
Forgiveness can be given in absence of the person you forgive, they need not even be aware or alive to receive it.
2 months ago
Awesome, thanks for sharing and great to see strawbale homes being built in my neck of the woods.
2 months ago